You don’t want to give up smoking for your own health or because you smell or even if people look...
Read More
Want to know how to get on in the business. Follow some dog rules to succeed.
In 2002 the D...
That a vegan diet helps in reducing, and even removing diabetes and heart disease, is fairly well...
In the entire lockdown period when I was completely alone for almost two months, I made friends w...
A few months ago, a young woman went to her doctor in New York. Her toenails had gradually blacke...
The world changes every day for the worse. Our greed leaves no room for other life forms to cling...
Animal cruelty Cops get tough against perpetrators
In a first City police book man under Pr...
There is a school for 400 children in Solan, Himachal, called Southvale: The World School....
Even though people have been vegetarian for centuries (Confucious, Plato, Jesus and his brother J...
5 years ago I requested the Head of the Bar Council of India to get animal welfare introduced as...
India is in the throes of a terrible viral epidemic. Much worse than the Bird Flu, much worse tha...
In 1987, a street litter of a month old puppies, being fed by me, started dying at an alarming ra...
I have always held that it cannot be a coincidence that India's richest community (the Jains) and...
Artificial insemination (AI) of cattle is widely practiced in countries with intensive cattle pro...
India has the world’s largest number of cattle. They are not being worshipped in the temples, the...
In India most animal welfare people are vegetarians. We, in People for Animals, insist on that. A...
God/universe/nature has a strict rule: all the suffering caused by man will have to be borne by m...
In 2013 India started using Neonicotinoid pesticides in order to protect a crop that Monsanto had...
While several States of India roil under the latest outbreak of Avian Influenza, the strategy of...
By the time you read this lakhs of chickens will have died of Avian Flu. Some will have died natu...
Sex, Lies and Drugs
According to a research study, people lie at least once...
In the book/film ‘Sophie’s Choice’, the protagonist is forced to choose between the lives of her...
Last week a barasingha strayed into a field in Panchkula. She ate a ball of wheat, only to...
Locusts are a group of short-horned grasshoppers that migrate long distances in swarms, crossing...
Health and fitness advisors often emphasise on seafood for muscles, high protein, weight loss etc...
It is only Western philosophy that draws a dividing line between human and animal (''man and beas...
Oxidation is a chemical reaction that happens when a substance is exposed to oxygen. For instance...
The waste of a life, the cruelty on an innocent being, shocks us.
But we do not apply the s...
which calculates the effect they have on water, air and land and the health of people. Red, Orang...
The more meateaters are pushed onto the back foot by the thousands of people turning vegan every...
When I was growing up in army cantonments, meat was on our table every day. It was taken for gran...
I can only put this down to a complete ignorance of real economics due to which policies ha...
The legacy of milk drinking has not come to us from Krishna or the Vedas – nowhere in any of sacr...
I get. It is a compilation of such savagery, such insane greed for destruction, such insensitivit...
What is Maya ? Narada Muni wanted the answer so he meditated for decades until Vishnu appeared. "...
, worse than the meateater who kills the animal himself while eating it ?
There is a certai...
When Indian elephants meet African elephants, they recognise that they are both elephants. So do...
My mother, who is remembered by friends and family alike as the world’s most buoyant and caring p...
Compassion is not a hobby, or something you do in a good mood, or when you are well fed, or with...
In the last two months three people, two working in a newspaper and one in a magazine, have savag...
Help!! I’m being cheated. The meat industry, the pesticide polluters, the hunters and the factori...
I have known Merritt Clifton for many years now. He, his wife Beth, and son Wolf are completely d...
Some weeks ago, I made a WhatsApp group for just my People for Animals unit heads. There are abou...
Many years ago I spoke to the Mercedes people in India and told them to stop using leather for th...
A month ago I received distress calls from people in Mumbai that the municipal commission... Read More
The owners have offices in a number of countries and the mandate seems to be that anyone... Read More
A month ago I received distress calls from people in Mumbai that the municipal commissioner had s...
I like pigeons. Their voices are soft and rhythmic. I have put up baskets for them in the front v...
The Kerala government has brought in sharp shooters to kill a tiger in Pathanamthitta. The tiger...
The recent deaths of elephants in Kerala by home made bombs, and in Chhatisgarh by poisoning thei...
District Forest Officers and rangers are not trained in ecology. Ecology means the interrelations...
I must have pointed out a hundred problems in eating chicken. The latest is something that has th...
One of the effects of this corona pandemic is to make you think about your lungs and respiratory...
Rosamund Young has written a book called the Secret Life of Cows which, surprisingly for a book o...
Savitri Devi, born Maximiani Portas in 1905 of Greek-English parents, wrote a very thought provok...
When people were restricted to their homes on March 24th, I thought that it would be an opportuni...
A few experiences of the millions I have had during the first phase of COVID lockdown.
On M...
In Pilibhit, as in most districts of the Tarai, a large number of vehicles are still horse drawn....
We select one disease to be mortally afraid of – and ignore all the diseases that we should be sc...
Over the years we have been conditioned to like certain things and dislike others. Sometimes thes...
Every October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Every year several million women die of breast ca...
I have just returned from an amazing assembly of a 100 very special people with visionary ideas,...
Many years ago, when T.N.Seshan was Election Commissioner, Dr. Jayalalithaa’s party ha...
While we all know that crows are very bright, few people know about the abilities and intelligenc...
By now you must be fed up with reading or listening to things about the Corona Virus. It has take...
Every now and then I rescue chickens from the illegal roadside khokhas, where they sit in wire ca...
Mimicry, by changing form, shape and colour, is unique to animals. Imagine if you went into a Chi...
If there are two prominent genes wired into the human body, it is their love for betting and an i...
My granddaughter, Anasuyaa 5, is a vegetarian and a very healthy eater. She loves vegetable...
The moon influences life with its light. Moonlight, its presence and absence, affects reproductio...
Children use roleplay to deal with complicated situations in order to understand them better. You...
Some years ago an NGO was asked by the state government to run a gaushala in Patiala. They did, o...
Nature has a reason for everything. A creatures environment plays the main part in deciding how i...
The silver yellow full moon lights up the sky and makes me instantly happy. We have forgotten how...
All of us want peace on earth but, as we grow in size, we humans have become more distressed and...
Vegan festivals are probably good, in that they create a climate for you to turn into a non meat/...
Veganism must become a political movement. At the moment it is nowhere near that, anywhere in the...
Yellow fin tuna products sold in the U.S. are being recalled, through an order by the Food and Dr...
A few months ago a Veganfest was held in Delhi. It was attended by hundreds of young, affluent, w...
Some of our judges are now beginning to understand what animal cruelty does to a nation and act o...
Many years ago, when T.N.Seshan was Election Commissioner, Dr. Jayalalithaa’s party had a r...
Imagine if your nose were to be on top of your head, eyes on your stomach and a mouth on your fee...
Ants and bees have become paragons of a system that’s coordinated but without central control. In...
One day we will know for sure that all the trees we killed and the grass we pulled out, all the p...
We always knew that dogs were good for our mental health. Many studies, like the one conducted by...
Are we the only ones who vote, drink, sleep around, eavesdrop on conversations? Every animal does...
There are many things we do without thinking and, in the process, we cause great pain.
In m...
Back to one of my favourite subjects : crows. They are slowly disappearing so please save them no...
Anthias are coral reef fish. Small with elongated bodies, they range from orange, pink, purple, y...
Are all beings the same ? Yes, the human, the hammerhead worm, oyster, chicken and the sh... Read More
Some time ago I wrote an article about the cocktail of drugs in meat in India. One of the drugs t...
Mesodinium chamaeleon, a strange green creature found in Denmark that lives at the bottom of the...
Do people really understand climate change and global warming? A few days of unseasonal chill bri...
A few days ago I was on my early morning walk when a crow sitting on my gate started cawing to me...
I meet so many mothers who won’t let their children walk barefoot in the house or the park, won’t...
Candida auris is a dangerous fungal infection that emerged in 2009 in Japan and, in just a few ye...
When we were young, we spent two months every year with my mother’s parents on a huge farm in a v...
Most people who choose dogs seem to have some physical similarity with them. High heeled coiffure...
My mind and body have instinctively always had the right feelings towards things that are harmful...
Cholesterol is a fat-like substance in the body. It is produced by your body (75% by your liver)....
"Mama, what does Papa do in office?"
"He scares monkeys, darling."
What are the stran...
In every survey taken across the world, the worst jobs that emerge are sewage cleaners, and peopl...
Many people think that the wool industry is made of sheep gamboling in pastures. That no animal a...
Eggs have always been considered to be a standard safe food. Few people realise that every egg is...
What is the difference between you and an ant? From war making to making slaves, from inventing m...
As more and more people become resistant to antibiotics, their chances of survival, if they have...
Many years ago, I asked a stylish, older, film actress from Mumbai whether she would be the ambas...
There are no pests, no weeds, in nature. There are beings who get in the way of humans growing fo...
New things are happening on the food front that are exciting and potentially earth saving. From c...
I came across a blog by an Indian software engineer, who claimed that he had not eaten eggs becau...
Read this and thank God that you are still the boss of the planet. The day ants grow in size, the...
Lakhs of people die in India every day. The Muslims bury their dead. The Hindus burn theirs. Conv...
When cooking chicken, or meat, for one’s family, most people are very careful to wash and cook th...
India was not always this cruel. Inspite of the culture of animal sacrifice and ritual hunts by t...
Other countries celebrate their mythical animals. Garuda belongs to Indian mythology but is the n...
When my husband died, I inherited his work table, a long wooden desk with huge drawers. It has tr...
Someone rescued a goat from the slaughterhouse and gave him to Sanjay Gandhi Animal Care Centre....
This is my third article on the subject of business opportunities for vegans. The first two were...
We are just so lucky that the 13,000 species of ants, discovered till now, are small. Even if the...
There are so many opportunities for vegans now. All you need is perseverance and courage – but yo...
We humans have always considered ourselves different from every other species on Earth. But, as t...
Vegans choose not to eat any animal products - no meat, fish, dairy, eggs, honey or other animal...
A friend of mine feeds the crows in Mumbai. He calls them by name and they come to feed. But whil...
"People for animals celebrates Christmas at Sanjay Gandhi animal shelter"
This is for all those people who write to me complaining about the dogs on the streets. They alwa...
1) Animal activists seek help to keep strays warm
Read more at:Read More
In 1990 I went to the dreadful Kolkata zoo. They had imported a young female giraffe from Africa-...
Dr. Madan Mohan Bajaj is not an animal welfare activist. He doesn’t try to stop cruelty, nor does...
Sometime ago I wrote about arsenic being deliberately added to chicken feed and the harm... Read More
How To Cons... Read More
For me, food is at the core of every religion because it signifies the most important commandment...
“We have guests for dinner. Wife, please make them delicious chicken curry with arsenic in it. No...
Here's the blog URL Read More
A long time ago I realized what McDonald’s and KFC had understood quite a while back; that, for a...
In the last two months there has been a major crisis in Punjab -on the front page of every local...
Meat is consumed on a massive scale across the world, with billions of animals killed every year....
We may pride ourselves that we have 26,000 elephants – but we avoid saying that these are what is...
When I was young, India was flooded with comic books of Archie, Superman and War. The two central...
Is someone known to you going “crazy”? Suspicious, swings from being extremely happy to morose, h...
Every few years the Chinese fixate upon an animal and come to the conclusion that its parts will...
A study conducted by Princeton University says that there has been a 36% rise in antibiotic...
A few days ago someone wrote to me from Mumbai saying they lived next to a person who kept cats i...
Formaldehyde is a chemical which, when mixed with water and turned into a paste, is used for emba...
The Environment Ministry is increasingly seen as a Ministry that understands nothing about the en...
A restaurant in Lokhandwala, Mumbai has a large cage at the entrance with two pygmy monkeys...
Imagine a new human mother who has a viral infection. Would any doctor allow her own baby to drin...
In an earlier article I talked about the miraculous effects of Panchgavya on crops. Dr K. Nataraj...
I checked into an ayurvedic centre in Haryana for a week. Clean, spartan and strict, it was the i...
A recent book I have picked up, from the The Other India Bookshop, is a manual on Panchgavya by D...
Millions of animals are torn open every year in laboratories because people – and those in govern...
Claudius Galenus, known as Galen, was a Greek physician/surgeon in the Roman empire who was...
Research has revealed that there is a colony of cockroaches on the moon, the descendants of the c...
When you buy German cars you have given your consent to them for all the monkeys and huma... Read More
When I bite into a bar of chocolate, I think of calories. I don’t think of rat hair and faeces. B...
Every country is replete with innovations in policy: things that make life better for everyone. I...
The medical use of Ketamine Hydrochloride is as an anaesthetic used in medical procedures, or sur...
The world is getting hotter. The gap between the need and availability of freshwater is widening...
So many companies test on animals. Even those that don’t need to do so. For instance, perfume com...
California has a very interesting political system. This allows organisations and individuals to...
An interesting scientific experiment took place last year. Two reasons. One is because it i...
Personally I find the thought, of eating an egg, revolting. It is the period blood of a hen and,...
Last year I went to the house of the head of a group of Jains in Nagpur. Along the way I was told...
Is it possible to be vegan in a world which is now totally dependent on truly useless things made...
Organic farming for me is as important as animal welfare. Both save thousands of species and make...
While carbon dioxide is often painted as the main crim...
If you were an alien that dropped in on the planet and you heard that most people on the planet h...
Your Home Can Be Dangerous To Your Pets
Approximately a Read More
Suggested Image: https:/... Read More
I’ve heard many people suggest that fish is much healthier than red meat and chicken. Non-vegetar...
Recently the Hyderabad based Muslim seminary Jamia Nizamia, started in 1876, issued a ban on Musl...
When was the last time you saw or even heard a frog ? Twenty years ago. One of the reasons why we...
In today’s newspapers I read that doctors in the US have advised that men who want children shoul...
A hundred years from now, if scientists have their way, many humans will be partly pig and baboon...
All living beings require vitamins, essential micronutrients, and these should come through the d...
The first known xenotransplantation was done by the god Shiva. Daksha, the father in law... Read More
For years the scientific community has been talking about the uselessness of experimentin... Read More
Man has always envied the powers of animals. His natural instinct was to complete himself in myth...
Vegetarianism, at its most superficial level, is the not eating of animal flesh. And should inclu...
I am in Argentina for a few days to attend a Child Labour Conference. Buenos Aires has wide roads...
In the ancient world, humans were not just close to animals but, in most cases, deeply dependent...
In a country like India, it is odd that we should have so many couples going to doctors complaini...
A girl who owned two dogs had suddenly to go to her village. She left the dogs with a girl who ra...
Natural or biological pollinating agents like insects (such as bees, moths, butterflies, some spe...
Is the chicken you get in commercial large scale food vendors, in products like sandwiches, chick...
One of the most important reports to come out in the last few years is the August 2017 CSIR -NEER...
Here are some common myths about animal behaviour:Myth: Mother birds will re...
The most important animal in your life, no matter where you are, is the mosquito. Therefore, you...
A few months ago, a friend of mine said that his son wanted to do hotel management but he was not...
Life is so complex. We think of all beings as animals or plants and this means a lot when you are...
All over Europe eggs have been found to be contaminated by a dangerous pesticide called Fipronil....
I feel so sorry for the magnificent animal that is the bull. I was at a banking mela organised by...
Even though humans have kept dogs and cats as pets for thousands of years, there are still so man...
Veganism finally has meat eating on the run in the United Kingdom. Not only are the ad ca... Read More
Not many moons ago Maneka Gandhi wrote an article (which was published in her regular page "Write...
Since the colour of food influences consumers, many food manufacturers use dyes in foods ranging...
I am really sad that Dr. Sanjeev Balyan has been moved out of the Animal Husbandry department whi...
My favourite Zen story is when a question is asked of a Zen monk – ‘‘A house is on fire. What is...
All Hindu mythology is intertwined with animals. Thousands of stories abound in all the texts, an...
Birds in tropical climates face predators- larger birds, mammals and snakes- who rob their nests,...
http://www... Read More
Maneka Gandhi Asks Obama Not To Attend Bull-Fighting Fest ... Union Ministe... Read More Read More
http://w... Read More
http://www.newd... Read More
http://www.newdelhitimes.... Read More
Last week the administration of Agra banned pigeon racing in the district. The administration of...
Of all the species in the world, the human can do the least magic with his/her body. We cannot fl...
Why removing and killing street dogs in India doesn't work. Jena is an Indian dog, born on the st...
How the Modi Sarkar Spread Disinformation on Jallikattu and Insulted the Courts<...
God save any parent from two sons. Even the richest families do not survive the inherent... Read More
Last month, at a conference of the Federation of Animal Welfare organisations (FIAPO) I m... Read More
Last week I wrote about the terrible practice of dyeing animals to make them “cuter”, a p... Read More
Another election has gone and it has been another missed opportunity for those that consi... Read More
Ayurveda, meaning the science of life, is the oldest existing medical system. In India th... Read More
The first book I wrote is called Brahma’s Hair and it was about the mythologies around In... Read More
Three of India’s most common diseases, blood pressure, arthritis and diabetes Type-2 have... Read More
So many people I meet complain about having cholesterol problems. One of the signs is a g... Read More
One of the main issues of the last few years has been the sexual harassment of women. Not... Read More
One of my favourite sayings is that “lies travel round the world even before the truth ha... Read More
The more irrelevant members of erstwhile royal families get, the more they overcompensate... Read More
Every weekmy hospital gets a white horse that has been hit by a truck or has gone so lame that sh...
I was in Turkey recently to speak at a workshop called by the Dutch Party for Animals. The purpos...
Dogs are not just companions and friends. They can teach you so many lessons that help yo... Read More
I had written earlier about some insane gadgets on the market for dogs and cats. Here are... Read More
Some years ago I wrote about animal rights people who had been elected to the Dutch Parli... Read More
If you’re ready to adopt a pet, you probably have your heart set on finding a puppy or yo... Read More
Last month as I passed by the Defence Ministry, I saw people clustered on a sidewal... Read More
I have fainted only once in my life – half way through a normal conversation with friends... Read More
I have been on a diet for 2 weeks now and its enough to make anyone grumpy. The fat will... Read More
A long time ago, I was bitten by a bee on the nape of my neck. My husband immediately ran... Read More
India has been so unsuccessful in producing its own weapons of war that I am surprised th... Read More
There are many ways to wage war. The most obvious one is to use weapons and armies, kill... Read More
Thousands of cows and buffaloes pour into Kerala illegally every day. They are being smug... Read More
I have come across the most amazing book “Six legged Soldiers” by Jeffrey Lockwood. He ta... Read More
Most of the human body’s abilities are still hidden from us. Where do sudden bursts of en... Read More
The animal world fascinates me for two reasons. Their talents and abilities far exceed ou... Read More
There is a drug rehabilitation centre in Mumbai whose inmates read like the Who’s Who lis... Read More
Apart from the dogs that went into space, paving the way for human astronauts, how many d... Read More
We humans are so weird. On the one hand we kill, as policy, millions of dogs and cats eve... Read More
Look up at the stars. Will human beings ever reach any of the millions of worlds around u... Read More
Dr Stanley Coren is a psychology professor and Director of the Human Neuropsychology and... Read More
Animal Studies Paint Misleading Picture
When I was yo... Read More
On 18 August 2009, A businessman called Ganesh was arrested following a raid by a joint t... Read More
Are you alone? Why not get a dog. Not a puppy, who will make you run around and exhaust y... Read More
Three years ago I wrote about bees vanishing from the world – a process that started in 2... Read More
High up in the list of things I have to do before I die, is the stopping of shark finning... Read More
Hello parents! I am going to take an apple and dry it. Then I mash it into “appley” powde... Read More
Since dogs and cats are now domesticated enough to qualify as semi humans, it is natural... Read More
Is a dog sensitive to your emotions? Or is it just a coincidence that he seeks you out wh... Read More
In a previous article I told you about some plants that keep away mosquitoes. Here are so... Read More
Two months ago I held a meeting with the Ministry of Animal Husbandry officials. I went t... Read More
One of the most important side effects of global warming is more erratic rain and greater... Read More
My sister is a middle child and she says that part of her personality is shaped by being... Read More
Have you reached that state of evolution where you are ready to get a pet dog? Congratula... Read More
I was in Nagpur last week. I was told of an illegal bird market and so I went on Sunday m... Read More
I am still reading the book Zoobiquity and one chapter is about the similarity of heart a... Read More
I know a girl who spends a lot of her day pulling out tiny hair from the backs of her fin... Read More
Naisargi Dave is a professor / author in Canada who comes to India once a year. She knows... Read More
Last week an 80 year old man in Mumbai was beaten up by three goondas for feeding dogs an... Read More
The Indian camel, the single humped or Dromedary, is the pride of Rajasthan and thousands... Read More
Next time you call someone a rat, think of what it means.
Two rats... Read More
If only I could be sure that dogs and cats would get along I would immediately bring 5 ca... Read More
Today I am not in a good mood. I have spent the last week throwing out papers from... Read More
As I write this article I have five dogs sleeping around my chair. They will wake when I... Read More
Two months ago I was at my shelter when a man came and asked me if he could adopt a cat.... Read More
Now that one mythology has been put to rest – of the world ending on December 21st- let m... Read More
Last time I tried to tell you the truth of some commonly held beliefs. Here are some more... Read More
How to Make a Difference in Animal Welfare.
More and... Read More
What do you eat when you eat fish? Chemicals, human faeces and plastic.
Last week I went to inaugurate a little gaushala in a village outside Delhi. After the ce... Read More
Think of any form, any colour, and any combination of colours, sex, eating habits or whatever. Na...
By Dr. Abi O’Connor BVM&S, MRCVS
I recently discovered a lette... Read More
When Dr. Samuel Hahnemann developed homeopathy as a system of medicine, he stressed in 18... Read More
Kamadhenu and her daughter Nandini are the magic cows in our lives. Many of you will not have rea...
On March 2, 1991, the Environment Ministry ordered through notification the banning of performing...
If animals had voices, what would they say when in pain?? We talk of higher human attributes towa...
One of the most interesting professions and one that pays extremely well is that of dog trainer/h...
Till a few years ago cancer – and specially any breakthroughs in curing it – hogged the health ne...
Beauty products that are routinely creamed onto faces, rubbed into hair and splashed over bodies...
When I was Minister for Social Justice there were demands for giving grants to build Alzheimer’s...
I was in Nagpur last week. I was told of an illegal bird market and so I went on Sunday morning....
Every country in the world is turning organic, including Bangladesh. All except India where, in s...
We often wonder how first generation Indian children do so well abroad in the fields that require...
Lifestyle Management -
Lifestyle Management workshops have become a regula...
Cockroaches and Spiders and Bees, Oh My!
Rats-Unloved but still lo... Read More
Who says dogs can't talk?
Want to know how to get on in business. Follow some dog rules to succeed .
In 2002 the Defe...
Four of my dogs have died of kidney failure this year. I have no idea of what to do. I discussed...
Last month my dog Devi got into a fight with another dog and one tooth went into her neck... Read More